Saturday, January 2, 2010

APS Sling Procedure

When doing a vaginal rejuvenation surgery I often find that women also have leaky bladder issues. This video shows one technique I use in placing a sling for incontinence.

APS Posterior Repair Procedure

Here is a video of how I do a fallen bladder repair as well as my approach to advanced vaginal rejuvenation surgery in the operating room using meshes and specialized devices.

APS Anterior Repair Procedure

This video shows how I perform an advanced mesh repair of a fallen bladder using my Lone Star APS Retractor. I invented this device back in 2006.

APS Set Up Retractor System

This video shows how I set up my patients for vaginal surgery, including vaginal rejuvenation surgery. You could not do this surgery in the office without this invention!

APS Introduction with Dr Alinsod

Here is a video intro to the Lone Star APS Retractor I developed for vagina surgeries.